Eric likes to golf. He wants us to like to golf. So, after Autsin's first swim met (pics to come) we headed over to the driving range. I realize now there are a few reasons we have never been before.
#1 Austin had not gotten his rockin' kid size clubs for Christmas from my parents yet.
#2 The driving range is sooo quiet. Not really my kids thing. There weren't too many people though so we braved it. The only guy that was a round us was very patient with us.

Like father like son! He could really hit!

You may be surprised to hear she did make contact a couple of times.

We had to keep her from running out to get the ball she hit.

Almost as cool as hitting the ball, was the water station!

I'm guessing a woman came up with this idea to put these uber comfy chairs here :) I did some of this... (Jergens Natural Glow Lotion here I come. Yikes!)

...and some of this!! There is a reason shorts are required. It was hard in a skirt!