400 M swim., 11 mile bike ride, 2 mile run. He trained. He bought the gear. He rented a bike. He found a friend to train with him. He convinced his wife he would not die of a low blood sugar. He signed up. Drove to meet us in Dallas where we were already for my nephew's baby blessing. Tested his blood in copious amounts before, during and after. He stopped to give insulin during the race when it started to go high. He ate candy when it began to go low. He threw up candy after the race. All in all it was worth it!
I will post pics of the visit with family and such later. But for now...my man!
#207, Age 30
Getting bike into ready position. It's very early in the AM and very dark!
Heading to the water. He is the one closest the camera and unfortunately the most blurry. Dang humidity!
Waiting in the water for the starting horn. His age group was the first to start. They were marked by the green caps while in the water. Once out of the water, they were marked by their age on their leg.
Transition to the bike from the swim. This is where he lost alot of time. Most people did not have to test their blood sugar, wipe their feet down excessively to avoid foot damage and give two units of insulin via a pump before they could continue. This was the fun of the challenge for him. Doing it and being competitive while adding in the "extras".
He really enjoyed the bike ride if you couldn't tell! This was him returning from the 11 miles. He wished it was longer and the run shorter. He hates running!
Mike on the bike. His chain came off which costs them some time too.
Mike, sinus infection and all, finishing.
Running in from the finish. That candy is not sitting so well.
Be right back. Gotta go puke.
Starting to feel better.
Cheerleader Adi!
Cheerleaders Amy and Austin! Eric is feeling great now!
Now he can wear the T-shirt. He wouldn't wear the shirt until he had finished! (Mya is adorable and Baby Chase is not so happy here!)
Congratulations! That is awesome!
that is why he is one of my heroes!! my sinus stuff aint nothing compared to the stuff he has to worry about. i just feel blessed and lucky to be his partner in crime. it is easy to do well when you have somebody like him pushing you along. it is scary to think that he did it that fast with all that extra stuff!! i love my buddy!
oh i forgot. Lafayette 2010! #2 baby!!
I am SO impressed. My short 5k was hard enough for me - that didn't include any swimming or biking or dealing with extra challenges. So proud of you!
Jeez... talk about inspiring! That's awesome & LOVE the pics!! :) Great job Bascoms & McCartneys! :)
YAY! Now you need to get him ready for December's Baton Rouge Marathon. Whit just started training...
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