Monday, May 18, 2009

Chung Be!

Watch out world! The Bascom kids are going to be unstoppable!

My favorite part: I can tell them "Chung Be" which is the "ready stance" command, then I can go away and come back and they will still be standing there, at attention, when I get back. This is going to be very valuable, I can tell already!


Amber and The Boys said...

The way that Austin is standing in that picture totally reminds me of Eric!

Whidget said...

HAHA--very cute!! I will remember not to mess with your kids at the next fam reunion!


Seth & Courtney said...

Too cute! The phrase that we brought home from Tae Kwan Do is much less useful and becoming extremely annoying as Merrick and Jack repeat it to us and each other constantly "Don't Touch Me Stranger!" At least I know that one thing has sunk in. :)