PS I am in no way shape or form a hoarder so where did all of this JUNK come from?!?
Monday, August 30, 2010
Change gonna come
So we have been trying to sell our house for a while. We finally found a buyer and will close on Friday. I am spending all my free time packing, packing and packing. We will move in to my parents for a few months (ok close to 8) while our house is being built. My parents are grateful to have someone stay there while they are gone.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Mya turns 6!
Mya turned six! For some reason this birthday of hers made me realize that my kids are getting bigger AND BIGGER. Austin is supposed to grow up, he is the oldest. He is a missionary in a little body just waiting to grow up! Mya is supposed to stay younger, always younger, than 6!! That's just how I see her. (I'll bet Aliyah will want to turn 6 one day too. ) I am fine with my kids growing up. Really, I am. I love to watch them grow, develop personalities, interact with others, conquer new goals, skills or hobbies, etc. I like to see that one day all of my work and worry will turn into a tangible, functional beings who contribute to the kingdom and society. This birthday was just reflective for me.
Mya decided in her free time at school LAST year, that she wanted a Spa Party. She wanted to paint nails, paint toes, fix hair, etc. That's what we did. We also made pizza and had a dance party. I had Maddie and Gabby come over to help and to dance with the girls. The girls thought that it so cool to have teenagers at their party!! I think Maddie and Gabby had a great time and didn't mind making some cash on the side. They actually spent the night the night before and watched the kids while we went to the temple and then help clean the house and set up the party. Essentially, they saved the day!!!


Austin, Abigail, Kylee, Allie, and Gabby
Annabelle, Aliyah, Sarah, Mom, Nikki, Maddie and Mya
Maddie, Mya, Gabby
Sorry the dancing one gets turned sideways...what can you do?
We got her ears pierced for her birthday. I don't think she was anticipating then pain!
Monday, August 16, 2010
My firstborn has had a summer to remember (and make his mother feel old...)!
*Warning: A lot of these pictures were taken on an iphone and not that great of quality. Sometimes I forget my camera and the iphone is the only option. I blame my parents... Ideally I would become a great picture taker/editor but who said this world was ideal?
His Baptism was obviously a big deal! Eric's parents, and two of his brother's families came for the event. My parents barely missed it :( My brother Shane cooked Jambalya for everyone to eat after. That is a big deal, if you don't know. It takes hours to do over a large cast iron pot outside in the LA heat. He got up early and had it done for us to eat right after the baptism. Thank you Shane!
Mya, Aliyah and I sang and Chrisie Grandma and Uncle Dave spoke. It was neat to see him make such an important choice in his life. I am so proud of you Austin and the sweet boy you are becoming!! (My camera died after this picture. I need to get the others that my Sister-in-law took with her camera)
He became a Cub Scout. He wants to get his Bobcat and Wolf by the first pack meeting. He is well on his way!

Nick Robinson
Austin is a fish! This was his first summer on a swim team. He was one of the teams highest scorers. His coach loved him and I think may have taken him home if I was ever late picking him up. He swam breast stroke and butterfly mostly which is not easy for his age. He impressed the coaches so much he won the Coaches Outstanding Swimmer Award! There are awards given for an outstanding swimmer in each age group and then one overall given to a girl and one overall given to a boy. He was the overall boy winner! His award was a pretty big deal. I am a proud mamma:)
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
First Day of School
I have so many things to post...I have a feeling I'll find some time now :)
Backpacks are so big on Mya! (Aliyah dresses herself...I take no credit for those pjs!)
A cool third grader who has to switch teachers during the day this year! That's the definition of didn't know? I'm surprised. Somehow, he and his best friend ended up in the same class. He has high hopes for a great year!
Beautiful girl. New bling on the ears. Boys...her dad works out, ALOT.
Aren't I a lucky woman?
Sunday, August 08, 2010
Dallas Fun
1. went swimming at their friends' and Tracy's mother's neighborhood pool
2. played slip -n- slide
3. went to the Dallas children's museum
4. went to church on the forth of July
5. ate yummy dinners out
6. ate pizza
7. shopping at Sam Moon and the LDS Book store
8. went house looking with just me and my brother. We haven't done anything with just him and I for years so that was very fun for both of us!
9. ate dinner at THE CUTEST RESTAURANT EVER! The Magic Time Machine. The servers dress up like characters and the entire thing in an act from the time you walk in to the time you walk out. We got Tinkerbelle. Highly recommend this place. Austin asked Pocahontas where the bathroom was and she literally yelled to the entire place, "WATCH EVERYONE. THIS KIDS GOT TO GO!" Austin hated it but really it was hilarious! I saw Cinderella taking a group of kids to the bathroom and made them do a conga line chanting "We gotta go. We gotta go."
10. got strep throat (Aliyah and I)
11. watched kids while my Sister-in-law and brother stayed at the hospital for Brittany's emergency surgery/stitches. Kids: never climb WET monkey bars...never.
12. Generally threw a schedule out of the window and totally relaxed.
This trip is on the agenda for next year!
Magic Time Machine
Cutie Patootie
Jaden gave up on the spoon for his ice kinda man!
Magic Time Machine
Children's Museum
Baby Chase
Buddies, born three days apart!
My 4th of July kids :)
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