My firstborn has had a summer to remember (and make his mother feel old...)!
*Warning: A lot of these pictures were taken on an iphone and not that great of quality. Sometimes I forget my camera and the iphone is the only option. I blame my parents... Ideally I would become a great picture taker/editor but who said this world was ideal?
His Baptism was obviously a big deal! Eric's parents, and two of his brother's families came for the event. My parents barely missed it :( My brother Shane cooked Jambalya for everyone to eat after. That is a big deal, if you don't know. It takes hours to do over a large cast iron pot outside in the LA heat. He got up early and had it done for us to eat right after the baptism. Thank you Shane!
Mya, Aliyah and I sang and Chrisie Grandma and Uncle Dave spoke. It was neat to see him make such an important choice in his life. I am so proud of you Austin and the sweet boy you are becoming!! (My camera died after this picture. I need to get the others that my Sister-in-law took with her camera)
He became a Cub Scout. He wants to get his Bobcat and Wolf by the first pack meeting. He is well on his way!

Nick Robinson
Austin is a fish! This was his first summer on a swim team. He was one of the teams highest scorers. His coach loved him and I think may have taken him home if I was ever late picking him up. He swam breast stroke and butterfly mostly which is not easy for his age. He impressed the coaches so much he won the Coaches Outstanding Swimmer Award! There are awards given for an outstanding swimmer in each age group and then one overall given to a girl and one overall given to a boy. He was the overall boy winner! His award was a pretty big deal. I am a proud mamma:)
Gald we were able to be there for Austin's big day. Loved the swimming too.
What an eventful summer for Austin! He really is growing up and doing all the right things to make it the most fun.
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