Mya turned six! For some reason this birthday of hers made me realize that my kids are getting bigger AND BIGGER. Austin is supposed to grow up, he is the oldest. He is a missionary in a little body just waiting to grow up! Mya is supposed to stay younger, always younger, than 6!! That's just how I see her. (I'll bet Aliyah will want to turn 6 one day too. ) I am fine with my kids growing up. Really, I am. I love to watch them grow, develop personalities, interact with others, conquer new goals, skills or hobbies, etc. I like to see that one day all of my work and worry will turn into a tangible, functional beings who contribute to the kingdom and society. This birthday was just reflective for me.
Mya decided in her free time at school LAST year, that she wanted a Spa Party. She wanted to paint nails, paint toes, fix hair, etc. That's what we did. We also made pizza and had a dance party. I had Maddie and Gabby come over to help and to dance with the girls. The girls thought that it so cool to have teenagers at their party!! I think Maddie and Gabby had a great time and didn't mind making some cash on the side. They actually spent the night the night before and watched the kids while we went to the temple and then help clean the house and set up the party. Essentially, they saved the day!!!


Austin, Abigail, Kylee, Allie, and Gabby
Annabelle, Aliyah, Sarah, Mom, Nikki, Maddie and Mya
Maddie, Mya, Gabby
Sorry the dancing one gets turned sideways...what can you do?
We got her ears pierced for her birthday. I don't think she was anticipating then pain!
Holy Cow, I will be so sad when mine turn 6. I feel really old! I turn 30 this month. SHEESH. What a cutie, though.
What a big girl - love those faces after she got her ears pierced. Happy Birthday Mya and to you too, Amy!
What a great idea for a party. Looks like it was a big hit too. I love my girlie girl nieces!
So fun. I can't believe she is 6 either. Happy Birthday pretty girl.
Great party - so much fun that she has so many cousins close by to grow up with too.
I forgot to mention how adorable she is! Congratulations on turning 6, Mya!
Sometimes beauty is painful. Hopefully by now you have forgotten the pain and now only remember the beauty and fun earrings you will get to wear. IT looks like your party was so fun. We sang along when you were singing happy birthday on the video.Chrisie Grandma
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