Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Foot Surgery

A couple people have asked about Eric's foot surgery. He had some ingrown toenails removed. Lest you think that is a simple, painless procedure, I will tell you it is not! I almost cried watching them do the surgery and I will not tell if Eric did or not! He explained to me that there is a pain threshold that once reached eyes just naturally water. Umm Hmm. He is doing better but still has to baby his toe pretty much. Anytime you talk about diabetics and feet it is a scary thing. Hopefully we avoided some major issues in the future by having this done now. He is going to be much better as soon as this heals. Thanks for asking.


Whidget said...

Whit says he has done that procedure a dozen times and they should have done a digital block and Eric wouldn't have felt a thing!!


AmyB said...

They did do a shot of some kind. That is what was so painful. It was quite the procedure to have a "shot" done or series of shots done. I knew it had to hurt when I saw the stuff they were shooting in his toe go out of the other side because they had gone all the way through the was unreal to watch them deaden it. I guess I should have been more clear in saying that.

Seth & Courtney said...

Hope it's a swift recovery! We have had lots of surgery in the family recently, Larry, Josh, and now Eric, not to mention the baby deliveries. At least there are pletny of people to empathize!