Austin had his surgery on Thursday and the picture Eric took of him at the surgery center pretty much sums it up. I had planned on having a a fairly miserable kid for the next week or so but I had no idea what was ahead of me! The day he had surgery he was really in a lot of pain and very groggy. He only wanted to stay in bed and watch movies on the DVD player we had set up for him. Anyone with a six year old boy knows that this is not normal! The pain meds they had him on were really making him sleepy as well. The next day I was ready for whatever came, or so I thought. Aliyah woke up like a little bear and screamed and cried about, well any and EVERYTHING! Mya, who had been sick all week, was in a similar mood as well. Eric wished me luck as he walked out of the door for work. The screaming, crying and utter misery continued into lunch time. I was on the phone with my sister-in-law who had called to check on Austin when Mya's screams turned "real". I ran out to see what was going on and she was bleeding from her mouth and nose. To make a long story short-er she had fallen and busted her lip, knocked some teeth loose and we are pretty sure broke her nose. Things are pretty bad right now right? The screaming continues but now I have two really very miserable children. Things were better today because Daddy was home from work. I took an opportunity to run to the store and when I came home my poor little girl with the broken nose is running a 102 degree fever. Not sure why! The screaming and crying continues. Maybe I am a big wimp but I am looking forward to posting about happier days around here. Oh and I have no chocolate in the house to boot

I asked her if I could take this picture. I didn't want her to be mad at me!
I wish I lived closer and could bring you some chocolate!!! That sounds rough!
The pictures show it all. Sorry to hear about the miserable week. It can only get better, right?
No chocolate!? You must stock up and hide it for future times. I keep mine in the drawer close by my bed, so I can curl up in bed and eat it as needed. I am so sorry for your day, and for the sad/hurt kids. I can't believe what happened to Mya, poor thing. I know it is crazy now but just think you will be looking back on this time and laughing (someday). Love you guys, wish I could be there and rescue you. Hope Austin feels better soon. Here is too a better week. Love you!
So sorry! Sounds horrible. I hope things get better very quickly for you and the kids.
OH MY GOSH! I can NOT imagine! I thought today was bad when Boston was pitching fits and fell off the counter (don't ask!) but you are making my day look like sunshine! Poor kids and most of all props to YOU!
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